Saturday, May 5, 2007

Public welfare poster

In this assignment, I have to choose one social welfare that impact me most to create a poster. I choose anti-smoing topic.
Whenever I saw an advertisement of cigarettes, I feel very unfaithful. Smoking is very harmful. However, the advertisements of cigarettes such as Marlboro are also make the viewers believe that smoking will make the man much more manly.They don't care the user's health, they just care their budget. They don't show the image of patients who are suffered lung cancer because of smoking cigarettes. They fake the users using the manly cowboys image.
So, in my anti-smoking poster, I just inform those who smoke cigarettes that smoking is not the way to show their manly.
This assignment, I don't have good mark because my poster is not print-ready. I have corrected my fault.
Here is my anti-smoking poster. How do you feel when you see my poster?

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